1/05/25 | Pastor Wai Lim | Prayerful Vision for 2025 | Col 1:9-14 |
1/12/25 | Dr. Cris Alley | The Urgent Truth about Christian Unity | Ephesians 4:1-6 |
1/19/25 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Sanctity of Life | Genesis 9: 1 - 7 |
12/29/24 | Dr. Harvey Phillips | Why should we respond to God’s call? | Isaiah 6:1-8 |
12/22/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Humbly Exalt God and Being Exalted this Christmas | Luke 1: 46 - 56 |
12/15/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Wonder at the Incarnation | Luke 1: 39 - 45 |
12/08/24 | Pastor Keh Shiun Tan | Embracing Faith Together in God's Plan | John 6:1-13 |
12/01/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Imitating the Incarnation | Philippians 2: 1 - 11 |
11/24/24 | Pastor Doug Lew | Moving on with Thanksgiving | Mark 2:1-12, Philippians 4:6-7 |
11/17/24 | Pastor Keh Shiun Tan | The Need of Discernment | 1 Kings 12: 1 - 17 |
11/10/24 | Minister Robert Liu | Praise God | Daniel 1 |
11/03/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Sacrifice, Submit, Supplicate, Serve | Heb. 13: 15 - 25 |
10/27/24 | Pastor Arnold Wong | Praise God | Mt. 6:25-34 |
10/20/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Follow Commands and Leaders | Heb. 13: 1 - 14 |
10/13/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Our God a Consuming Fire | Heb. 12: 18 - 29 |
10/6/24 | Minister Robert Liu | Running the Race with Endurance | Heb. 12: 1 - 17 |
9/29/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Faith in Action, Pt. 2 | Heb. 11: 17- 40 |
9/22/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Faith in Action, Pt. 1 | Heb. 11: 1 - 16 |
9/15/24 | Elder Yuteck Chuong | Finance | 1 Timonthy 6: 17 – 19 |
9/08/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Renewed Warning and Encouragement | Heb. 10: 26- 39 |
9/01/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Draw Near to Our Single Sacrifice | Heb. 10: 1 - 25 |
8/25/24 | Pastor Fred Tow | Being Is More Important Than Doing | Luke 18: 9 - 14 |
8/18/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Jesus Our Superior Sacrifice | Heb. 9 |
8/11/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Jesus Mediates a Superior Covenant | Heb. 8 |
8/04/24 | Pastor Doug Lew | Jesus: The Only Priest We Need | Heb. 7 |
7/28/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Progress and Persist toward Maturity | Heb. 6 |
7/21/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Drawing Near in Time of Need | Heb. 5 |
7/14/24 | Minister Robert Liu | Entering Into God’s Rest | Heb. 4 |
7/07/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Hearts of Faith | Heb. 3 |
6/30/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Superiority, Salvation, Solidarity | Heb. 2 |
6/23/24 | Minister Robert Liu | The Superiority of the Son over Angels | Heb. 1: 5 - 14 |
6/16/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Superiority of the Son | Heb. 1: 1 - 4 |
6/09/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Fight the Good Fight | Eph. 6: 10 - 24 |
6/02/24 | Pastor Henry Ow | A Family Meal | 1 Corinthians 11: 17 - 34 |
5/26/24 | Minister Robert Liu | Bondservants and Masters | Eph. 6: 5 - 9 |
5/19/24 | Elder Ben Ho | Getting married, me? | Ephesians 5: 22 - 33 |
5/12/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Spirit-Filled Family Life | Eph. 6: 1 - 4 |
5/05/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | From Self Absorption. . . To Compassionate Obedience | Jonah 4 |
4/28/24 | Pastor Keh Shiun Tan | Jonah Goes to Nineveh | Jonah 3 |
4/21/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Total Sovereignty, Partial Faith | Jonah 2 |
4/14/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | A Disobedient Prophet | Jonah 1 |
4/7/24 | Dr. Chris McGuffey | The Ands of Acts 1:8 | Acts 1: 6 - 11 |
3/31/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Victory in Resurrection | 1 Corinthians 15: 20 – 28 |
3/29/24 | Pastor John Chen | Good Friday | |
3/24/24 | Minister Robert Liu | Hosanna | John 12:12 - 18 |
3/17/24 | Elder Yuteck Chuong | Family | Eph. 5: 22, 25, 6: 1 - 4 |
3/10/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Be Wise, Appreciative of God’s Will, & Filled with the Spirit | Ephesians 5: 15 - 21 |
3/3/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Walk in Love, Purity, and Light | Eph. 5: 1 - 14 |
2/25/24 | Minister Robert Liu | The New Life | Eph. 4: 17 - 32 |
2/18/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Diversely Serve in Unity | Eph. 4: 1 - 16 |
2/11/24 | Minister Robert Liu | Prayer for Spiritual Strength | Eph. 3: 14 - 21 |
2/04/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Mystery | Eph. 3: 1 - 13 |
1/28/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Inclusive . . . in Christ | Eph. 2: 11 - 22 |
1/21/24 | Elder Ben Ho | Dead or Alive …Your Choice | Eph. 2: 1 - 10 |
1/14/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Pray | Eph. 1: 15 - 23 |
1/07/24 | Pastor Wai Lim | Praise God | Eph. 1: 1 - 14 |
12/31/23 | Pastor Wai Lim and Members | Thanksgiving Testimonies | Ephesians 5: 20, 1 Thessalonians 5: 18 |
12/24/23 | Minister Robert Liu | The Advent of Christ | Matthew 2: 1-12 |
12/22/23 | Christmas at KCCC | The True Meaning of Christmas | |
12/17/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | "What’s In a Name? Pt. 2 Ruler from Bethlehem" | Micah 5: 1 - 6 |
12/10/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | What’s in a Name? Pt. 1 Joshua/Jesus | Joshua 1: 1 - 9 |
12/03/23 | Pastor K.S. Tan | Our Spiritual Home | 1 Peter 2:4-5 |
11/26/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Thank God for One Another | Colossians 3: 12 - 17 |
11/12/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Consequences of Breaking the Covenant | 1 Kings 11: 14 - 43 |
11/5/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Finish Well | 1 Kings 11: 1 - 13 |
10/29/23 | Pastor K.S. Tan | Step Into God’s Glory | Haggai 2:1-9 |
10/22/23 | Minister Robert Liu | The Beginnings of Disobedience | 1 Kings 9:10 - 10: 29 |
10/15/23 | Pastor Justin Wong | Rebellion & Redemption | Jonah 1:1-10 |
10/08/23 | Elder Ben Ho | The Faithfulness of God vs the Faithfulness of Men | 1 Kings 8: 54 - 9: 9 |
10/01/23 | Pastor Johnny Tang | Living an Abundant and Thankful Life in Jesus | Colossians 2:6-7 |
09/24/23 | Mr. Sam Lau | Jesus the Disruptor | Luke 10:25-37 |
09/17/23 | Pastor Andy Lee | A New Team | Ephesians 4:17-24 |
09/10/23 | Pastor K.S. Tan | The Last Generation? | Judges 2: 6-10 |
09/03/23 | Minister Robert Liu | Solomon's Prayer of Dedication | 1 Kings 8: 22 - 53 |
08/27/23 | Pastor John Chen | Start in Jerusalem: Local Missions | Acts 1:8 |
08/20/23 | Minister Robert Liu | The Ark Brought into the Temple | 1 Kings 8: 1 - 21 |
08/13/23 | Pastor Johnny Tang | Our Almighty LORD and All-loving Savior | Colossians 1:15-20 |
08/06/23 | Elder Yuteck Chuong | Work | Colossians 3:22-23, Joshua 1:9 |
07/30/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Beautify God's Home Depot | 1 Kings 6 |
7/23/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Let's Make a Deal . . . for God | 1 Kings 5 |
07/16/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Leading Well in Delegation and Development | 1 Kings 4 |
07/09/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Wisdom from Above | 1 Kings 3 |
07/02/23 | Pastor Jason Tarn | Scriptural Singleness | 1 Corinthians 7: 25 - 40 |
06/25/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Conquering Threats to the Throne | 1 Kings 2 |
06/18/23 | Pastor K.S. Tan | Trust and Obey | Genesis 22:1-14 |
06/11/23 | Elder Ben Ho | Here Comes the King! | 1 Kings 1 |
06/04/234 | Minister Robert Liu | Called to be Holy | 1 Peter 1:13-21 |
05/28/23 | Pastor Fred Tow | The Second Fiddler | Acts 4:32-37 |
5/21/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | End Game with Jesus | Revelation 22:10-21 |
05/14/23 | KCCC Special Guest Panel | Train Up A Child | Ephesians 6: 4 and 2 Timothy 1: 5 |
05/07/23 | Pastor Edward Lee | Marks of a Transforming Community | Hebrews 10: 24 - 25 |
04/30/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Addicted to God and the Lamb | Revelation 22: 1 - 9 |
04/23/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Longing for Our New Home | Revelation 21: 9 - 27 |
04/16/23 | Pastor Ravin Wilson | The Spread of the Gospel in South Asia | Habakkuk 2: 14 |
04/09/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | What If There's No Resurrection? | 1 Corinthians 15: 12 - 19 |
04/02/23 | Minister Robert Liu | Triumphal Entry | Matthew 21: 1 - 11 |
03/26/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | All Things New | Revelation 21: 1 - 8 |
03/19/23 | Elder Yuteck Chuong | Wisdom of Balance | Ecclesiastes 7:18 and Luke 2:52 |
03/12/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Righteous Rule, Eternal Excruciation | Revelation 20 |
03/05/23 | Elder Ben Ho | Hallelujah, Christ is Coming! | Revelation 19 |
02/26/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Mastering Materialism | Revelation 18 |
02/19/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Conquering Sin’s Seduction | Revelation 17 |
02/12/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | And So the Wrath of God Concludes | Revelation 16 |
02/05/23 | Minister Robert Liu | The Seven Angels with Seven Plagues | Revelation 15 |
01/29/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Have No Fear Harvest Is Here | Revelation 14: 14 - 20 |
01/22/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Transforming Power | Acts 19: 11 - 20 |
01/15/23 | Pastor K.S. Tan | The Collapsed House | Psalm 127 |
01/08/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | Vision for 2023: Focus on Community | Acts 19: 8 - 10 |
01/01/23 | Pastor Wai Lim | A Vision for 2023 | Matthew 28: 18 - 20 |
12/25/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Become, Give, Believe | John 3: 16 - 18 |
12/18/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Birth Jesus in Your Life | Matthew 1: 1 - 17 |
12/11/22 | Minister Robert Liu | The Advent of Jesus, Immanuel | Matthew 1:18 - 25 |
12/04/22 | Rev. Keh Shiun Tan | Seeing Beyond | John 6:1-13 |
11/27/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Thankful to the End | Revelation 14: 6 - 13 |
11/20/22 | Minister Robert Liu | The Lamb and the 144,000 | Revelation 14: 1 – 5 |
11/13/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Endure and Discern the Truth | Revelation 13 |
11/06/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Fighting Well in Ministry | Revelation 12: 1 - 17 |
10/30/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | President of Presidents | Revelation 11: 15 - 19 |
10/23/22 | Pastor Edward Lee | The Church's Most Powerful Prayer | Ephesians 3:14-21 |
10/16/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Prophets of Honor | Revelation 11: 1 - 14 |
10/09/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Bittersweet Adventure of Ministry | Revelation 10: 1 - 10 |
10/02/22 | Elder Ben Ho | Invasion of the Third Kind | Revelation 9: 1 - 21 |
09/25/22 | Pastor Doug Lew | Persevering Through the Drift | Hebrews 2:1-3 and Hebrews 12:1-3 |
09/18/22 | Minister Robert Liu | The Seven Trumpets | Revelation 8: 1 - 13 |
09/11/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Press on with Promise | Revelation 7: 1 - 17 |
09/04/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | And So God’s Wrath Begins | Revelation 6: 1 - 17 |
08/28/22 | Elder Ben Ho | Worthy Is the Lamb | Revelation 5: 1 - 14 |
08/21/22 | Minister Robert Liu | A Vision of the Throne Room | Revelation 4: 1 - 11 |
08/14/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Conquering Complacency and Comfort | Revelation 3: 14 – 22 |
08/07/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Persevere with Promises | Revelation 3: 7 – 13 |
07/31/22 | Pastor Nathan Wang | Sink or Swim | Revelation 3: 1- 6 |
07/24/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Power of Spiritual Purity | Revelation 2: 18 – 29 |
07/17/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Spiritual and Sexual Purity | Revelation 2: 12 – 17 |
07/10/22 | Minister Robert Liu | To the Church...pt. 2 | Revelation 2: 18 – 29 |
07/03/22 | Minister Robert Liu | To the Church... pt. 1 | Revelation 2: 1 - 11 |
06/26/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Love at First Sight | Revelation 1: 9 - 20 |
06/19/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Our Only Hope | Revelation 1: 1 - 8 |
06/12/22 | Elder Yuteck Chuong | Know Yourself | Exodus 3:11-12 and Matthew 16:13-16 |
06/05/22 | Pastor Doug Lew | Don't be a Debbie Downer | Matthew 20:1-16 |
05/29/22 | Elder Ben Ho | Caleb Wholly Follows the Lord His God | Joshua 14: 6-15 |
05/22/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Lord Is My Shepherd | Psalm 23 |
5/15/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Clean Heart, Right Spirit | Psalm 51 |
05/08/22 | Minister Limei Weng | Can a Mother Forget the Baby at Her Breast? | Isaiah 49:15 |
05/01/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Enthrone the King | Psalm 110 |
04/24/22 | Minister Robert Liu | Exchanging the Glory of Jesus | Matthew 26 & 27 |
04/17/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | I've Got the Power of the Gospel and Resurrection | 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 |
04/15/22 | Pastor John Chen | Good Friday Service | |
04/10/22 | Pastor Tan | Passover to Crossover | Joshua 5:9-12 |
04/03/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | The Path to Full and Lasting Life | Psalm 16 |
03/27/22 | Minister Robert Liu | A Psalm for the Cast Down Soul | Psalm 42 - 43 |
03/20/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Cries of the Heart | Psalm 3 |
03/13/22 | Pastor Edward Lee | The Beauty of Mercy | Psalm 103: 1 - 12 |
03/06/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Kiss the Son | Psalm 2 |
02/27/22 | Elder Ben Ho | Who Connects to the Rewarded Path? | Genesis 5 |
02/20/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Connecting to the Rewarded Path | Psalm 1 |
02/13/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Final Words of Freedom | Galatians 6: 11 - 18 |
02/06/22 | Minister Robert Liu | Defining Discipleship | Matthew 28:18-20 |
01/30/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Help Others Examine Self | Galatians 6: 1 - 10 |
01/23/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | Living and Keeping in Step with the Spirit | Galatians 5: 16 - 26 |
01/16/22 | Minister Randall Engleman | The Sanctity of Life | Psalm 139, Jeremiah 1:5, Exodus 21:22, Genesis 1:17 |
01/09/22 | Pastor Doug Lew | A Better Way of Relating | Philippians 2:1-11 |
01/02/22 | Pastor Wai Lim | A Vision for 2022 | Mark 1: 35 – 39 |